How to become a mod

  • How to become a mod

    Posted by mrbuzzzz on 17/11/2019 at 7:36 pm

    Moderators are like operators and admins who take an important role in making sure that everything in the server is running well. Among a moderator’s responsibilities are monitoring the behaviour of players and providing rules and regulations for everyone to follow while at play.

    A moderator can kick or freeze and even ban players (on some servers) who are misbehaving or not following server rules. They can also send warnings to Minecraft players depending on the rules laid out by server owners and authorities.

    For those who are interested to become a Minecraft server moderator, here are some helpful tips for you to become a mod.

    1.) Make sure to master different areas of the server.

    Familiarize all the different sections or areas of the server. You can do that through frequent visits to the site and interacting in the community forum. On Mindd Buzz some of the common areas that you need to master are plugins, world edit, selling things, and Redstone. It is also important for you to know and understand Minecraft terms commonly used by players and fans.

    2.) Be friendly and ready to help.

    Be nice and helpful to everyone especially to newbies or newcomers on the server and forum. Engage with fellow players and be ready to help or answer questions posted in the forum. Share whatever technical info you can provide to others.

    3.) Be an active member of the community.

    Make yourself very visible and known to other members and also to the server owners. Post threads containing technical info that can be of help to other players. Reply to questions and threads posted by other players. Be sure to answer politely and clearly.

    4.) Never be mean or rude, even when others are.

    Be polite to fellow players and never be rude even to those who are ill-mannered. Remain patient and courteous to everyone in the server and the community. Avoid cursing and never show disrespect to others.

    6.) Ask politely to become a mod

    After some time in being active in the server or forum, tell the owner/s that you are interested to become a moderator and ask if you can possibly be one. Some servers have an application form section for moderator applicants to fill in. If you get denied at first attempt, continue being active and showing your value until such time you get promoted.

    It is also important for moderators to know in-game commands and all technical aspects of Minecraft. Do research if needed so you can be ready to become a Minecraft moderator.

    mrbuzzzz replied 4 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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